Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the Big Show

Here is a super small doc of the video film fest at The Art Institute of Chicago.
The event had a nice turn out & there was some really great videos. It was free night at the museum so there was a ton of people watching the body of work. I was really pumped that the Chicago Reader used my work as the ad for the show!
I also have t o thank my dear friends who not once but twice came out to see my one minute of fame.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Irons in the Fire

KINGS OF CHICAGO - submission deadline September 15th 2010

FEARLESS - looking for unafraid male models
Sound & Vision at the Modern Wing, AIC- Aug, 26 5-8pm

Kings of Chicago Submissions Fall 2010

Call for entries:
This fall will be the launch of a small art based magazine simply grounded in the diversity of gay culture. This is a single run issue, 300 total, including artist proof. This periodical falls with in the tradition of punk and independent zines of the nineteen eighties/nineties and the contemporary publications of the new millennium.

This particular publication is about men only but not male centric. As artists and contributors to our great culture we must respect out community as a whole.

This first publication deals with “new gay male ideals and identity” in place of his historical framework.

The contents, theme, and motif of this issue deal with “The Missing Link” (working title). Since the 1980’s, post AIDS, America has lost many of its middle-aged men (45-65). This loss has caused a historical, social and representational gap in the queer community. The survivors and uninfected are unheard, the living group of men don’t talk about the “ACT UP” days and the youth (25years or less) know nothing of their historical past because of this lack of communication. I.E. “What’s Stonewall?” This issue is a reflection and reaction to that missing group. Please note: “missing” does not just mean deceased. How do we continue our queer legacy, history and progress with out this chronological link? How does the community teach the youth about our historical context with out sounding like angry queers or should we still be angry? This is a reactionary project, an exploratory version of our historical context.

This issue of KOC is asking for your written or visual reactions. The form is solely in the hands of the artists. KOC is looking for ten contributors, all ages, ethnicities and people who identify as male need apply. All contributors will receive a copy of the magazine, marketing, and inclusion in the editors notes for the launch of the publication, no monies will be exchanged. There is no fee for entry and submission of artwork. This is an editor driven publication and will be juried by the editor and KOC’s counterparts.

Submission information:

- By Email: Submit JPG's via email (maximum size: not larger than 10 inches or 720 pixels in any one direction and 72dpi only), and not more than 6 - 12 samples. If KOC wants to see more we will ask.

- Send work to: kingsofchi@yahoo.com

- With all submissions include your location, short biography, artists statement or both. Each and every sample of work MUST include artist's name, title, size, medium, date, and edition.

- All writing samples must be sent in with in a Word document and embedded with in the Email.

- KOC reserves the right to reject work due to unresolvable disputes between the artist and curator(s).

All artwork needs to be emailed by midnight September 15, 2010. We are shooting for a late October early November 2010 launch date. If admitted to KOC further publishing details will follow.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

David's new video at Summer Sounds the One-Minute Film Festival

Friday August 13, 2010 · 9:00pm - 11:30pm

LocationPritzker Garden, The Art Institute of Chicago,
111 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL
Come celebrate David's new Video: 59 SECONDS
This simple video deals with the act of telling someone "I love you".

Description: Jason Simon, the partner of Sound & Vision artist Moyra Davey (Canadian, born 1958), is a filmmaker who for eight years running has hosted an annual festival.. Simon serves as the event’s organizer and VJ, screening the films in a decidedly party atmosphere. Staged until now in a barn in Narrowsburg, New York, this will be the first traveling presentation of the festival. The festival will end in 2012 after ten years, at which point MassMoCA will launch a traveling exhibition of the project’s “greatest hits.”

Members $8, nonmembers $10. Tickets available the night of the event at the Pritzker Garden gate on Columbus Drive. Cash only.

Monday, August 9, 2010

59 seconds

This is an even shorter taste of my one minute short for the Summer Sounds—Jason Simon's One-Minute Film Festival at the
Art Institute of Chicago, Friday August 13, 2010
9 p.m.-12 a.m.

members $8, nonmembers $10. Tickets available the night of the event at the Pritzker Garden gate on Columbus Drive. Cash only.

Cash bar